oil filler中文什么意思

发音:   用"oil filler"造句
  • oil:    n. 1.油;油类;油状物〔一般是不 ...
  • filler:    n. 1.装填者,斟酒人;注入器,漏 ...
  • oil filler in oil depot:    油库加油装置
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  1. Oil filler plug : it is necessary to fill no . 30 machine oil or no . 20 gear oil before using aerator , until oil reaches oil plug hole on the side and overflows
  2. So we ca n ' t do oil filler test when the units in operating to test the reliability of overspeed protection system . firstly , this thesis presented the theory of overspeed protection system . and pointed out the reason why the emergency stop system is often fails in stroke
  3. The effect of oil filler test that is improved is correspondence to the overspeed test , so it is no use to do overspeed test repeatedly . it can reduces the deterioration of the rotor ' s longevity , and that , it can reduce the starting time of the units , which can reduce the cost of fuel consumption and steam deterioration . especially to large capacity steam units that use the same style device , it will get large economic effectiveness
  4. As we know , overspeed protection system is one of main protection of steam turbine sets . base on the standing order , we must do oil filler test regularly , but the oil filler test of the emergency stop system , which made by shanghai turbine company ltd . , is often fails in stroke


  1. oil filled paper condenser 什么意思
  2. oil filled pulse transformer 什么意思
  3. oil filled switch 什么意思
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  5. oil filled type circuit breaker 什么意思
  6. oil filler access 什么意思
  7. oil filler and lever gauge 什么意思
  8. oil filler cap 什么意思
  9. oil filler hole 什么意思
  10. oil filler in oil depot 什么意思


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